When does school day begin and end?
Start time is prompt at 8.55am. Children really dislike being late to class, so please arrive at school in good time. A member of staff will be on duty on the front playground from 8.45am each morning when the children are then invited to come into school.
School ends at 3.15pm. Children from Classes 1, 2, 3 & 4 are escorted by the class teacher to the playground where they will meet their parents. Class 5 walk round independently to meet their parents. If their parents are not there to meet them, they should come back into school and staff will contact their parents.
If there is an emergency and you know you are going to be late to collect, please phone the school on 01263 761264. Your child will be placed into After School Club until you arrive. Please be advised that the office is manned until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday and 3.30pm on Friday.
We encourage all children to be registered with the After School and Breakfast Clubs so these can be accessed in emergencies if needed.