
Head Teacher’s Welcome

This is a lively and energetic school which values each child as an individual. Each day we strive to live up to our motto which is to be ‘a great place to learn and work’.

At Aldborough, we work towards our core values:

  • Individuality
  • Respect for each other
  • Pride in our school
  • Community and Collaboration

Our vision is to energise, challenge and engage all children to embrace every opportunity through our stimulating curriculum. Through their individual responses and collaborative learning, the children will know more and remember more, helping them to flourish and achieve ambitious outcomes. We aim to harness and embed the school’s vision of respect, so that when children reach the next stage in their education, they are confident, independent, ready to learn more and are compassionate individuals determined to make a positive contribution to their community and society.

Everyone associated with the school works extremely hard to provide learning of the highest quality in a caring and supportive environment that recognises personal growth and development. We believe in the development of the whole child and relentlessly pursue the best approaches to educate your child in a rapidly changing world.

Our expectations and aspirations for children are high and our end of school tests are evidence of consistent success. Academic performance isn’t everything and Aldborough encourages the well-rounded child who knows how to make healthy life choices, knows how to learn, explores relationships, enjoys physical, artistic and musical pursuits and knows how to stay safe. Feedback from Aylsham High School regularly informs us that Aldborough pupils continue to thrive.

A child never comes alone and we welcome you as parents/guardians. We hope that you too will become part of this learning community.

Absences – authorised and unauthorised

If, for any reason your child is unable to attend school, please telephone the office, or send a message, before 09.00. Someone is in the office from 08.30 onwards and before that the answer machine is switched on. If we have not been informed by 09.15, the Office Manager will contact parents to make sure that the child is safe.

Admission Policy

The school has an admission of 20 each year. The school’s admission policy for the coming year is in line with the Local Authority’s and is as follows:

  • Children will be admitted during the school year in which the child is 5 years.
  • Parents may choose which term to enrol their child; either Autumn or Spring. This will be on a full time basis only.
  • First admissions are dealt with by the Local Authority. Parents exercise their choice by December of the year preceding their enrolment.

Parents of children beyond first admissions, considering applying to the school for a place should contact the Head teacher at the school to check availability. Admission however will be dealt with by the Local Authority. Admission forms for Stepping Stones our neighbouring nursery are available from their school office. Telephone 01263 768766


The Head teacher does not authorise holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. They cause disruption and gaps in your child’s education which impacts on the rest of the class too.

Arrangements for parents to meet with teachers

The school has two parents’ evenings, one in the Autumn term and one in the Spring. During the Summer term, Annual Reports are sent out and may be discussed if required.

Buildings and Premises

The school was re opened in December 2010 after a £3million refurbishment and new build. An awe-inspiring design includes 5 new classrooms, an outside learning area and an internal forum area for information literacy, shared learning and personalised learning.

The kitchen and dining room provides onsite facilities for the cooking and serving of Healthy School Meals. Ingredients are sourced locally.

Outside, besides the playground and the multi sports area there is an extensive playing field and a wonderful Bird Hide which is beside our beautiful Forest School.  The children have Forest School sessions regularly throughout the year.


Bullying is not acceptable. We have an anti-bullying policy which recognises the need to be vigilant. Any suspicious incidents are logged with the Head teacher. Our philosophy is one of respect and responsibility.

Behaviour & Anti-Bullying Policy

Catchment Area

The following villages form the catchment area of the school.

Aldborough, Alby, Barningham, Hanworth, Matlaske, Thurgarton, Thwaite, Wickmere

Children from outside the catchment area may be admitted provided there is room at the school.

Charging for School Activities

A policy is available on request from the school. Please see also Friends of the School Association.

Charging & Remission Policy

Child Protection

Child Protection is one aspect of Safeguarding Children. The school’s Designated Teacher for Child Protection issues is the Head teacher, Mrs Helen Bearman. There is also a school governor with responsibility for Child Protection.

The school is committed to promoting the health and welfare of all pupils. We are required by law to follow procedures, if we see signs that suggest that one of our pupils may have been the victim of abuse. Use of the procedures in this way is an obligation placed on the school by legislation and in no way infers that any parent/carer is being accused of wrong doing. Our policy is reviewed annually and is available for any parents to see. A copy is on the school notice board for parents of children already in school and on our internal VLE.

Class Organisation

For the school year September 2022 to July 2023, the children are organised into classes as follows:-

Key Stage 1

Class 1 – EYFS/Reception

Class 2 – Year 1/2

Key Stage 2

Class 3 – Year 3/4

Class 4 – Year 4/5

Class 5 – Year 6

Complaints Procedure

If you are unhappy about any aspect of your child’s education or experience at school you should make an appointment to see the class teacher. We would hope that discussing the matter with the teacher should be enough to resolve the problem. However, if you are still unhappy and wish to take the matter further, you should make an appointment to see the Head teacher.

If, after discussion with the Head teacher, the matter remains unresolved you should tell the Head teacher that you wish to make a formal complaint.

The Head teacher will give you a leaflet explaining the Complaints Procedure of the local authority and a copy of our policy. This will include the name and address of the Chair of Governors of the school. It will then be for the Governors to decide whether the complaint is justified and what should be done about it.

Complaints Policy


Why the curriculum is designed as it is (Implementation): Our broad and balanced curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum (2014), the EYFS Curriculum (2021) and our school values.   It has been designed to enable the children at Aldborough Primary School to learn knowledge, values and skills that will enable them to make progress and succeed.

At Aldborough, we believe that the foundations of learning start with mastering the fundamental skills of language, reading, writing and maths. It is on these skills that we can develop and nurture our future scientists, artists, performers, authors, engineers and athletes. These ‘fundamentals’ form the strong foundations upon which we can develop the whole child to achieve their potential and discover their talents.

The curriculum is designed so that for each class there is a two year rolling programme to support our mixed aged classes. This ensures that children engage with a breadth of different experiences. Learning is implemented through topics, where possible, to inspire and interest our children. Half termly topics allow the children to embed and integrate knowledge into larger concepts. When planning the curriculum, we thought carefully about the knowledge that our children need to know that is particular to them as part of a rural community (such as local geography and history). As future citizens of the world, we also considered areas in which they have limited experience to support cultural capital (cultures and diversity). We use our school community to enrich our curriculum e.g. Assemblies, visiting speakers and themed days of learning.

Each topic starts with plans that inform the areas of learning, knowledge and vocabulary to be acquired. Our plans support assessment, progression and consistency throughout the school. Well planned sequences of lessons that value an active approach to learning through direct, hands on experiences allow children to explore, question, learn transferable skills and make links across the curriculum. Children use their prior learning to develop transferrable skills, knowledge and progression in their learning; they build memory by revisiting particular themes which support our core values. Weekly plans are adapted because of systematic assessment of the children’s knowledge as well as reflection and evaluation of teaching strategies to support progress. Termly progress meetings in core subjects take place and this helps us to plan the following sequence of lessons to revisit concepts to address gaps in learning and misconceptions.

 We believe that all children must be offered a learning experience which matches their individual needs and is challenging and supportive to enable every individual to achieve their full potential. Children must be given every encouragement to play a positive role in their present and future community.

Differentiation is realised through task, outcome, and support by adults or resources and mixed ability groupings and pairs.  Where children have Special Educational Needs or are Gifted and Talented, their needs are identified and adaptations will be made to resources, the curriculum or through intervention. The class teacher, SENCo and parents will work together to ensure the best outcomes.

 A range of initiatives including our thriving Forest School, focused days, trips, yr 6 residential trip, visitors and extra-curricular activities are undertaken to establish a curriculum that is inspiring, valued and accessed by all. (Curriculum Visits will depend on the rules around Covid-19 and the ability to visit locations in the safest manner possible.)

 Our school values are used as monthly themes that encourage positive learning attitudes and respectful behaviour and conduct. These values provide a framework within which we encourage the children to build character; become responsible, respectful citizens and know how to keep physically and mentally healthy. These themes allow us to make links across the curriculum and respond to current issues such as preventing radicalisation through teaching diversity, tolerance, keeping children safe online, as well as meeting the new statutory requirements for teaching RSE and developing emotional wellbeing. The importance of being independent (through the development of resilience and creativity), collaborative (being compassionate and respecting different views and ideas), reflective (by ensuring time to think and respond appropriately) and happy at school and beyond, cannot be underestimated.

 We are proud of our respectful, inclusive school where individuals thrive within our supportive, collaborative community.

Curriculum Aims

The school’s Governing Body feels that the following statements further reflect the philosophy of the school.

We believe that the early years of a child’s education are vital in laying down the right foundations upon which future development will build. It is the school’s intention to lay down these foundations in partnership with Stepping Stones Pre-School , parents, Governors and the community, and we aim to…

  • provide a balanced curriculum whose design is centred upon Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and includes Science, the Foundation subjects and RE.
  • enable all children to have equal access to that curriculum.
  • provide an education which is suitable for each individual child’s needs.
  • ensure that each child’s learning is both continuous and progressive.
  • monitor, assess and record each individual child’s achievements against personal and group targets.
  • provide good adult role models in terms of behaviour and attitudes.
  • encourage the children through praise and rewards for positive achievements.
  • develop caring attitudes, good manners, tolerance, self-esteem and self discipline with respect for individuals, the environment and other communities and nations.
  • develop the ability to co-operate and work with others in pairs and groups of varying sizes.
  • foster children’s enjoyment of learning, perseverance and pride in the presentation of their work.
  • foster the children’s increasing independence and their ability to make decisions for themselves, without impairing the rights of others.

Education is about the development of the whole person. We have high expectations of all the children, in terms of their behaviour, relationships, attitudes to work and attainment. We aim to provide and nurture a happy, lively and stimulating environment in which children can feel secure, become self-confident and fulfil their educational potential.

Curriculum 2022-23

The school has 5 classes to accommodate the 7 Primary Years. Each class therefore has a mixed age range (no more than 2 Yr groups).


We strongly promote our school meals which are freshly prepared on site using locally sourced meat and vegetables. All Reception/Yr1/Yr2 children will have a free school meal and will not be able to have a packed lunch. We very much hope parents in Yrs 3-6 will want to continue to offer a hot meal. The cost is £2.40 a day; School provided snacks £2.50 per week, payable termly or half termly.

Discipline and School Rules

A principle aim of the school is to develop the children’s own self discipline through the core values of ‘Being Ready, Being Respectful, Being Responsible’. All pupils are expected to behave in a responsible manner, both to themselves and others, showing consideration, courtesy and respect for other people. Such behaviour is best achieved through positive encouragement and praise. All staff insist upon high standards of behaviour at all times. Teachers and other adults in the school are constantly looking for examples of good behaviour to praise as models for others.

When a child is absent the school should be informed by telephone by 9.00 a.m. on the first morning of absence. If the school has not been informed of an absence by 9.15 a.m. enquiries will be made as to the whereabouts of the child. If the school are not informed of the reason for an absence, it will be regarded as unauthorised.

Parents who wish their child to be excused from P.E. games, swimming etc. should send a note to the class teacher.

Sweets are not allowed at school.

Toys should not be brought to school, neither should dangerous objects or any electrical appliance including mobile phones.  Children should not bring any objects that are of a sentimental or monetary value.

Children should not wear jewellery to school, other than simple studs for pierced ears. These must be removed or taped for PE, Games and Swimming.

Friends of the School Association

There is an active Friends of the School Association which aims to foster links between the school, parents and the local community.  Over the last few years, thousands of pounds have been raised, way beyond the expectation of a small school. Funds have been used to buy a whole range of things including sofas, books, furniture, water fountains, lap tops, play equipment and a new outdoor changing room and storage facility and some playground markings chosen by the children themselves.

With ever increasing costs, the school often asks parents to offer voluntary contributions towards trips. However, The Friends have also subsidised day visits and visitors to the classroom. These contributions have enabled all planned visits to go ahead. Parents with financial concerns are invited to share these immediately with the head teacher in confidence. We operate an inclusive system in this school.


The school has a board of governors that work in partnership with the Head teacher to support the strategic direction of the school. Governors produce a report annually for parents to read which includes the progress of the school towards its development plan aim, the use of the Pupil Premium Funding and a short account of the activities of the committees including finance (see Governors section of this website)


The school is committed to healthier living and learning. It was awarded Healthy School Status in 2012.

Home School Agreement

A copy is on this website. All parents will be asked to read, sign and return it when their child is first admitted to our school.


The school strongly believes that Primary aged children should not have excessive amounts of homework. A homework policy is available from school.

ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Equipment

All classes have an Interactive Whiteboard for daily use. The school has a dedicated area for networked laptops and an additional trolley of laptops to be used in the classroom. Other technology includes digital cameras, video cameras, control technology software for stage lighting, audio and microscopes. The school is working towards its ICT vision of equipping children with functional and creative technology skills. The use of ICT to enhance children’s learning is a key element of our ICT vision.

Medication in School

Statutory guidance came into effect September 2015. Only essential medication can be administered in school (3 times a day can be administered at breakfast, after school and bedtime). A person with parental responsibility should complete a procedure for administration of medicines available from the Office Manager. All medicines and inhalers should be clearly labelled with the name of the child.

National Curriculum Assessments (SATs)

We have for many years ranked among the top achieving schools with a high proportion of children making excellent progress and well above average attainment. As part of the new National Curriculum for September 2014, the government committed to a new assessment strategy which took full effect from May 2016. As a Cluster of schools we discussed some common principles for assessment. Our cluster wide approach to assessment for learning alongside our ‘high aspirations and expectations for all’ will prepare our youngsters for any external summative assessments.

Stepping Stones Pre-School

We are fortunate to have Stepping Stones Pre School accommodated on the school site. It can be contacted on 01263 768766 for a copy of their prospectus. Parents are welcome to visit Stepping Stones when they visit the school. Please let the Office Manager or Head teacher know.

OFSTED Inspection

The school was inspected in March 2019. As a school with a strong vision and pedagogical approach we were delighted that Ofsted gave outstanding for pupils’ behaviour for learning and for the cultural, spiritual, moral and social provision.

Family Involvement in Learning

Parents and Grandparents are encouraged to give of their time to our children. As part of the Extended Schools agenda, Family Learning opportunities occur during the year. In recent years we have had trips to London, storytelling, maths trails and Eco events. Some of these are in conjunction with the Aylsham Cluster of Schools. Parents regularly support our highly acclaimed Group Reading sessions, individual reads, art, resources preparation, displays, etc. The Head teacher and individual teachers will be pleased to hear from anyone who can help. In the past, our curriculum has been broadened and enriched by parents and friends support. Regular helpers are requested to comply with the latest safeguarding regulations.

Pastoral Care

All staff are professionally committed to providing care and guidance for the children during the school day. Any difficulties or problems are dealt with by the class teacher in the first instance or an appropriate member of staff. The head teacher is always prepared to listen to parental concerns. Parents are asked to give their own or an emergency telephone number in case they need to be contacted (e.g. in case of an accident or illness).

MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT –Aldborough Primary now has 3 ‘Mental Health First Responders’ on site to help members of our community should they have a need. If you think we can help you in anyway please do not hesitate to contact either via email: or phone 01263 761264. Confidentiality is guaranteed.

NURTURE AND WELL-BEING – Nurture at Aldborough Primary School provides a short term intervention in a safe space in which children have the opportunity to enhance their education and learn alongside their peers.  Children spend time in a small group engaging in learning activities outside the classroom environment, which compliments the school curriculum.  During this time the children learn academically and socially, they develop and build confidence and resilience.  Their self-esteem increases, they become responsive to others, they learn self-respect and take pride in behaving well and achieving.  Should you need to discuss your child’s needs in this respect, please contact the office who will be able to pass you on to our well-being champion.  We also work in close collaboration with the Social, Emotional, Mental Health support team from Aylsham High School who can offer dedicated support for individual children when necessary.

Religious Education

Religious Education is given in accordance with the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus, a copy of which may be viewed at the school on request.

The children come together for Non-Denominational Collective Worship each day. During the year visitors may lead Collective Worship or take an assembly. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from religious education and collective worship. Any parent wishing to do so should see the Head teacher who will inform them of the alternative provision available.

The School Day

The School’s day is organised in the following way:

9:00Registration & morning activity
9:30Lesson Time
10.50Lesson Time
Lesson Time
2:30Class 1 & 2 Afternoon Break (not Classes 3, 4 & 5)
2:45Lesson Time/Story
3:15End of the school day

Staff are on duty at 8.50am and children should not be left unattended in the playground prior to this time.  If parents wish to talk to the teachers, they should make an appointment with the class teacher.

School Uniform

There is no compulsory school uniform.

For indoor PE, the children should wear a plain cotton t-shirt and a pair of shorts or track suit bottoms. The children should have bare feet for all indoor activity in the hall.

For outdoor games and athletics, children should wear trainers or, if appropriate, football boots.

For swimming, the children should wear a bathing costume or trunks, and a swimming hat. Goggles are recommended.

As many items of clothing as possible should be named, especially those which are often removed.

Breakfast Club and After School Club


Our After School Club is open 4 days a week from 3.30-5.30. 

Please email enquiries/bookings to  Further information and booking forms are available on the school website. There will be plenty of outdoor play and art activities available with ASC staff working hard to plan and provide activities. Tracy continues to provide tasty snacks.

BREAKFAST CLUB – Breakfast Club is available daily from 8am in the dining room. Pre-booking is advised to be guarantee a place, however children can attend on the day without the need to pre-book. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE DOORS TO BREAKFAST CLUB WILL NOT OPEN UNTIL 8.00a.m

Sex and Relationships Education

The Governing Body have approved a Relationships and Sex Education Policy in line with Norfolk’s Policy Statement. It is available on request.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Children transfer at 11 years of age. Parents have a choice of High Schools in the area and in Norwich. The majority of our pupils transfer to Aylsham High School, with which we have strong links. (See Cluster link on this website.)

During the year prior to transfer, most children have the opportunity to visit their respective High Schools, and are visited at Aldborough, by members of the High Schools’ staff.

To contact the school please email Helen Bearman, the Head teacher at